Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 31 At Sea

Wonderful day at sea…. It is very sunny but very cool & windy so I’m packing. Today they also did the Mariner’s Award presentation. I had friends receiving the platinum & gold medallions. I qualify for Platinum in December but I’ll hold off with the presentation until Allan & Sandra are onboard for the World & receive theirs as well, time to get back to packing….


Mary said...

So how many is Platinum? I can't believe this voyage is over. I am eagerly awaiting your next adventures.



Can you explain the different categories? I am assuming that platinum must equate to about 3 years on board if you are just now qualifying for it......

Hope all is well-


Unknown said...

So glad you are waiting and we can all celebrate together, I think you have the record or getting Platinum the fastest. Safe trip home. Sas and Allan

Jeff Farschman said...

Platinum is over 700 days....

cdn whitey, not Jeff said...

Thats one expensive medallion buddy!!!!!!
Could only imagine my bar tab.