Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 78 Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I was out on the forward decks this morning as we sailed into Cabo San Lucas and the sunrise was pretty amazing until it was quickly snuffed out by a long trough of clouds. The sun was blocked but we had a nice view of the moon. Cabo is a very nice stop and very picturesque. I went ashore on the first tender and walked around for a couple of hours taking photos before I returned to the ship. I spent the rest of the day poolside enjoying what turned out to be a terrific day. The sailaway was really nice until I had to leave to get the blog done. Tomorrow we have a day at sea as we sail to Acapulco.


Holly said...

photo number 1 gets my vote!

vickie said...

GREAT Sunrise (I know you were up when the ship sailed in) and Moon shot. These pictures say more than 1000 words.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are going to Acapulco-let me know the weather and have a great time.


Michelle and Rudy van der Goot said...

Great pics. Brings back memories of when we were there 2 years ago with you. Just wishing and hoping to be on a future voyage soon. Agree with Holly on pic # 1- abfab!

whitey said...

Buffet any good last night?LOL

Whats the outcome with your seating bud.

Jeff Farschman said...

Seating is resolved.